Monday, March 8, 2010

Go to the the left...wait what?!?!

Stop...look both ways...then cross. But which way do I look first?

I knew that when I came to New Zealand that they drove on the left side of the road. But this didn't seem like such a big deal to me considering that I wouldn't be driving. However, I didn't realize how much this one notion could change so many different things. The first time I crossed the road in New Zealand I told myself that the cars come from the opposite side, so I looked right first when I crossed the street. Easy enough. It seemed like such a simple idea, but take it from someone who's experienced it, it's NOT! I can't not tell you how many times, especially during my first week or so here, I looked the wrong way and had to jump back on to the sidewalk to keep from getting hit by a car. It is amazing how difficult it is to fight your natural instincts. And trust me, you want to fight this instincts when they is a car speeding towards you. It's strange how something that you're not actually taught can be so engraved in you.

Also, it's not only when there is a car involved that being on the left side is dominant. When you're just walking around, if you're going to pass someone you pass him/her on the left not the right. More often then not, I find myself doing an awkward dance back and forth with someone because I always go right. Or when you walk into the building, everyone walks in on the left side not the right. While it all seems like things that can be easily adapted too, it's hard to fight against your natural reactions.

I can remember people telling me before I left that I would be confused when I crossed the street, but I never thought it would actually make that big of a difference. It's funny how the things you don't think will affect you when you leave end up being something that you have to deal with on a daily basis.

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